Healing · Drumming · Chanting
Movement · Art
Join me for one or both of these workshops, in N. Hollywood Cali! You will leave filled with spiritual, mental and emotional nourishment. Spirit filled with rhythm and chants. Ready to be the driver of your life and fully armed to pursue your life’s purpose. Realizing your dreams and reaching your highest frequency, allowing manifestation to happen!!! DRUMMING AND CHANTING WITH ANINDO. February 22 and March 7, 6pm - 8pm. MKM Cultural Arts Center, 11401 Chandler Blvd. N. Hollywood, California 91601. Email to confirm your reservation: info@marshalldancecompany.org
Let us together align with the universe!!

Rhythm is a heartbeat. It’s the first drum, a story in sound that reveals our imagination and celebrates our power. Rhythm is the multi-culti common ground of the human family.”
-Tony Vacca